william jefferson love

william jefferson


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  • OT – Tony Snow – when asked about the william jefferson office raid being an abuse of power – “using the term ‘raid’ makes it sound like cowboys storming the halls of congress.”

    Firedoglake » Two From CIA Said To Testify Libby’s Lying 2006

  • OT – CNN reports that congressional republicans are upset that the office of william jefferson was raided.

    Firedoglake » Return of the Heathers 2006

  • If you’re going to fault liberals for rushing to judgment without knowing the evidence, it’s only fair to fault conservatives for doing likewise. unless of course those same conservatives always presumed innocence, which is obviously not true...look at any political scandal for proof, e.g. william jefferson, by your logic since he hasn’t been proven guilty yet, conservatives should be claiming he’s innocent and not saying that he is guilty, right?

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Nifong Before Lacrosse 2007


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